Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Help You Get Good Grades in Math and Other Subjects

Hello visitors,

Solving Math Problems Online: 
If you need help with Math, you're in the right place. For now, we'll help you with Math problems from first grade to high school, possibly college/university, depending on our tutors' schedules.  In return, you donate a small amount as a reward for our labor.  We offer both local and online tutoring, regardless where you are.  For online tutoring, please send us the problem(s) you need help with via email or live chat and we'll inform you a quote per problem. Then, click on the Paypal donate button below to pay for our services (think of it as donating for our labor)

Another Special service:   
"How to Get Good Grades" Consultations
Also, if you want to know how to get good grades in Math classes or other subjects from grade classes to college/university, one of our tutors (Math Tutor 3) will give one-on-one consultations. You can also seek follow up advice from Math Tutor 3 to help you improve and maintain good grades in Math classes or other classes.  Math Tutor 3 can also help you with multiple choice exams on various subjects at college/university level.  You can contact us for a quote for a 15 minute consultation session. If you need advice to improve your grades in Math or other subjects for more than 15 minutes, Math Tutor 3 can stay in the consultation session with each tutee for up to 1 hour (4 consultation sessions) and this will change throughout the year. We'll inform you the changes in how many consultation sessions Math Tutor 3 can give per tutee each time. See Math Tutor 3 background below.

A little about Math tutor background:
Math Tutor 1: a former Math teacher
Math Tutor 2: senior engineer who is naturally very smart in Math
Math Tutor 3: algebra enthusiast who used to rank top in class from high school to university calculus Math. This is an important aspect because I know how to study Math to keep my top ranking in Math courses so I can assist you with techniques to study Math and other subjects as well. I will likely ask you some important questions to see how you study Math and/or other subjects and give you advice accordingly. Each tutee is different therefore, my advice is specific to each of you who comes to me to ask about how you can improve your grades in Math classes and other classes. 

CONTACT Information:
If you need help with Math problems or need consultation on how to improve your grades in Math or other courses or want to order Math videos to prepare for your exams, please contact us using either this email mathtutorlivehelp@yahoo.com or the indicated instant messengers.  If you use instant messenger to contact us, please add our Math tutors' screen names to your instant messenger.  Make sure you spell our screen name correctly. 

Students who live in the United States, please contact us by yahoo messenger.  Our Math tutors' screen name on yahoo messenger is mathtutorlivehelp.
(Extra note:  If you don't have yahoo messenger, please go to http://messenger.yahoo.com/ and click on the button "Download Now."  After you download yahoo mesenger, please run it following the instruction on your computer screen.  When you finish installing yahoo messenger, please add our screen name mathtutorlivehelp to your yahoo messenger window.)

For international students (who live outside of the United States), you can contact us by Skype.  Our Math tutors' screen name on Skype is also mathtutorlivehelp.
(Extra note:  If you don't have Skype, you can go to http://www.skype.com/download/skype/windows , click on the button "Download Now" to install it.  After you download Skype, please run it following the instruction on your computer screen.  When you finish installing yahoo messenger, please add our screen name mathtutorlivehelp to your Skype window.)

Another Special service:  Math Videos  
Math Tutor 1 and Math Tutor 3 can make Math videos to help you memorize formulas, understand Math concepts, and/or prepare for exams and hence improve your grades in Math classes.  We can make slideshows and DVDs of each chapter and/or formulas for each exam. Please give us enough time to make the videos before your exam because it's labor intensive. Please note that these videos that we will make for you are specific to your book and your needs so you will need to let us know what you need help with, email us a sheet of formulas, or scan the chapters and we'll make a video using the materials you provide us. You cannot find these videos that we make anywhere else. 
The Math videos can come in digital file format which you can put in mp3 player (sometimes you'll need to convert the file to make it work with your particular mp3 player), or in the form of DVDs which you can put on your computer and watch the videos while you're eating snack for example or play it on your DVD player/TV. Please let us know if you want to order Math videos in digital files and/or DVDs and we'll email you the labor cost and the estimated shipping (handling is Free).

We will consider giving coupons to regular Math tutees so check back often!

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